Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Heat is On!

The heat is on to finish up the second kiln of the new year.  I'm working on glazing coffee cups this morning.  These cups are shorter and wider with white glaze inside and tenmoku on the outside (brown).  I have two bars (two full sections on my shelves) glazed and am working on the last section (the bottom shelf) of pieces to glaze.  Please note, the top shelf are extra pieces that do not fit into my kiln and the HEATER is really on. 

Gina was nice enough to carry some of the pieces from the last kiln up to the gallery.  Just remember, we are always open...even if we have some snow.

We have over 400 pieces in the gallery.  The bowl below has a raw lip that is chattered and tenmoku glaze on the inside.

Stay Warm!  David