Happy Customer #1 - The Pelletier Family from Mansfield, Connecticut.
Dermot and Diana are wonderful friends with their two boys (one at UConn and the youngest in High School) are proud owners of many pieces, including this bowl of fruit with their son Christian. They have at least two sinks (guest bathroom and the boys' bathroom with fish), tiles over their kitchen sink, lamps, and many other pieces throughout their home. Dermot chose wine goblets at one of my shows with a bottle of wine and tried the different goblets to find the best one. A funny story is Dermot made an order with me for blue pok-a-dot shot glasses. Dermot went to use the shot glasses with other friends and found one leaked!! Oops!! I replaced the glass and Dermot has continued to keep the glass to kid me!
Thank you for being a GREAT customers and pushing me to be more creative with my work! We love you guys!! David and Gina
We will be happy to post your happy story! Please, submit your story with photos to
drginafrank@yahoo.com. If for some reason you are unhappy, talk to David - directly...he will fix it or replace it.