Saturday, July 17, 2010

Busy Weekend and New YouTube Video on Chattering...

Thursday....  Because of the heat and humidity, we did not get the kiln compelety opened until late on Thursday evening.  I had started in the morning with taking down the first wall of the door.  Then, I had to have the kiln cool down more... 

The pictures are pieces for a soon-to-be bride and groom.  Congratulations!

Friday...  Gina and I volunteered at the Guilford Art Center Expo on the Green in Guilford from 10 am until 3 pm.  We were at the North Gate collecting money.

Saturday....  We finished making the 2nd YouTube Video!  This video is on Chattering.  You can either search YouTube (David Frank Pottery) or go to this link: 

Sunday...  We are looking forward to spending time with family and having some great food!

Have a nice week!
